Sunday, July 3, 2011

Back in the saddle again

It has been quite a while since I've written. It's been an intense year since last summer. We lost someone close to us and there's been a real struggle to adjust. But now things are moving forward in a nice way. Made some major upgrades to the studio including acoustic treatments and a high end clock for the converters. Lately I've been producing a number of projects. Finished 3 songs for texas/blues/rock artist Diamond Joe Siddons [we even got some airplay in Australia]. We're at the mixing stage for singer songwriter Maureen Russell's EP [she's been my go to backup singer for projects like The Bramblemen and Inwood Jones].
Lately I've been engineering @ Parkhill studio in Yonkers and working on a couple of Indian devotional cds. Big thanks to Cliff Hackford [who's the tabla player and percussionist on both projects as well as owner of Parkhill.]. I've recently added video editing to my list of services and have been working on my first 2 video editing projects [using Final Cut Pro] It's tougher than pro tools for sure but I've been working hard at mastering it. Lots of good stuff on the horizon including tracks on the Garage band Stones and Garage Band Monkees tribute cds at the end of August. And a couple of new songs I've been working on for too long and am scheduled to finish for submission to a couple of TV shows. I promise to write more often..

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